March, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Link to PDF of Minutes

Detroit Interfaith Outreach Network Meeting Minutes

March 12, 2018

 Attendees: Rabbi Dorit and Shimon Edut, Sharon Curran, Janet Meir, Tanise Hall,  Randy Vavrick, Larry Rood, Sandra Terry, (conference calls)    Barbara Emerson, Helen Barnes and Rev. Diane Van Marter.

Intro and Welcome: Sandra Terry welcomed everyone to the CrimeStoppers of Southeast Michigan offices in Southfield.

Minutes:  Sent electronically to members prior to meeting, accepted and approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Dianne Van Mater, Treasurer,  sent in a finance report that was given to members.  Beginning balance was $3608.63 in checking account minus expense ($128).  Feb. balance was $3480.63.  Saving account $3000.  Both accounts total $6480.63.  Report  was accepted and approved.

Committee Reports:

Education- Janet reported on the tutoring classes and stated that schools are on  winter break in Feb. Rabbi Dorit announced that Bagley will be holding its annual Career Day on May 10, with a morning and an afternoon session. Members are asked to be willing to come a spend time at the tables during either of these sessions to talk with students about their careers and their companies. Rabbi Dorit will forward the flyer to everyone so you can contact the school counselr, Ms. Jones, directly, to volunteer.

Interfaith Coffee Concert:  Our second Interfaith Coffee Concert, in cooperation with the Interfaith Leadership Council of Metro Detroit, will be held this  Sunday, March 18, at Fort St. Presbyterian Church in Detroit. It features guitarist and folk singer/composer Tom Allen. Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 in advance.  We hope for as good a turnout as we had at the first one, though not as many advance tickets have been sold to date.

Summer Picnic: Barbara Emerson reported that we have yet to get the official papers from Belle Isle as they have changed their registration procedures. We have divided into subcommittees to do the various tasks and are looking for more volunteers from our membership. Subcommittees include: Publicity, Food, Donations and Outreach to Partners, Entertainment for Adults, Entertainment for Kids, Site Prep and Cleanup, and Interfaith Service. The next meeting will be held on Saturday afternoon, April 21, at 4pm at the home of Rabbi Dorit, 10075 Nadine, Huntington Woods.

Cultural  Trip: Our next trip will be to  the Native American Center which Rev. Kasbow will report about at the next meeting. The trip will be in early June.

T-Shirts- It was suggested that all members wear their t-shirts to all events, including concerts and picnics. Also, we will publicize this t-shirt on our website and our FB page. Sixteen t-shirts were sold at $16 to date. Report submitted by Larry Rood. 

Membership Drive:  Will start in April. Emails will be sent to the entire membership, with renewal requests sent to those who paid their membership last year. This will be  followed by phone calls two weeks later. When people join, they will receive a thank you letter and a membership card. We will again offer three levels of membership: Platinum for $100 which will entitle a member to one free Theater Night Ticket and advertising at all our events; Gold for $50 which will entitle a member to either ½ off a Theater Night Ticket or a free t-shirt; and Regular for $12. All will receive membership cards for 2018-2019.

New Business and News from Partners

- DION is invited to participate in  the annual  “Walk for Israel”  May 6 which celebrates the 70th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel this  year.  Call 248-737-8700 or   Non-profit organization.  Announcement made by Ms. Vavrick.

-DION was asked to help with CWA(Common Word Alliance)  Garden this spring and summer in Hamtramck. We will do this instead of the MUFI Gardens this year. (CWA Clean-Up Hamtramck ! is Sunday,  May 19, 9a.m. – 1pm)

- DION has been invited to participate in an Interfaith Seder at Temple Beth-El on March 22 at 7pm.

- Also we are strongly encouraged to attend a conference called  “Just Water” , Saturday, April 21 at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church. It is a daylong conference about building better faith-based approaches to water issues, such as shutoffs, storm water runoff methods, etc.

-  “Ask A Native American” program, sponsored by the IFLC, will take place at Unity of Royal Oak, on Thursday, April 12, at 7pm.


-         IFLC is presenting “Exploring Religious Landscapes – Prayer Across FaithTraditions” in the spring.  The cost is $20 each and $60 for four segments.March 13th is Christian prayer,  April 26 is Islamic Prayer, May 17th is Sikh Prayer, and June 13th will be a panel comparing and contrasting prayer in different traditions.  You must register by email or phone.  Please call   313-338- 9777 or 


-         We are invited to a Class on Multifatih Collaboration – an Interfaith Panel Discussion and Dinner – Sun, April 15 at 3pm at the Grace United Methodist Church in New Baltimore ( 49655 Jefferson Ave, Chesterfield, MI). Please bring a dish from your cultural heritage to share.

Good and Welfare: A get- well card was sent to Helen Barnes who recently had foot surgery.  Also birthday cards were sent to Helen and Lenora Brown.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sandra Terry, Recording Secretary


May, 2018 Meeting Minutes


January, 2018 Meeting Minutes