January 23, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Rabbi Dorit, Shimon Edut, Barbara Emerson, Rev. Cass Charrette, Janet Meir, Imam Arif Huskic, Chaplain Yvonne Moore-Fant, Sandra Terry

Meeting was opened by Rabbi Dorit and everyone was welcomed. We talked about our New Year’s resolutions and what has impressed us sofar in this new year.

Minutes from November 2022 – This was our last meeting since in December we had an Interfaith Holiday Party. There were no additions or corrections, and the motion to accept the Minutes was made by Imam Arif, and seconded by Sandra Terry.

Treasurer’s Report – This was given by Rabbi Dorit as Jennifer Young was unable to attend. Currently we have $6,488.07 in our checking account and $6,004.39 in our savings account for a total of $12,492.46.  There were three deposits made to our checking account of $120, $15, and $610 – mostly from donations to our Snack Pack Program for Central H.S. or membership dues. There were two withdrawals of $407.74 and $307.21 – to reimburse Shimon Edut for purchases for the Snack Packs at COSTCO as well as our Post Office Box annual fee.   The report was motioned for approval by Barbara Emerson, seconded by Janet, and passed.

Committee Reports:

a)    Education -   Janet reported that the literacy tutoring ( Let’s Read Program) at Bagley Elementary/Middle School has met some roadblocks since the assistant principal there has not returned calls or emails from either Janet or the 9 trained tutors. We will appeal to Sharlonda Buckman, Assistant Superintendent of DPSCD, to rectify this matter.  Snack Packs have been covered by DION but we recently have gotten some positive responses for help in the coming months from St. Aloysius – Resurget Cineribus Family of Parishes, headed by Mike Carstens, from the Women’s Group at the Islamic Center of America, headed by Donna Jawad, and by Rabbi Mark Miller from Temple Beth-El. This along with the adoption of the month of April by Temple Kol-Ami Social Action Committee, through the assistance of Wendy Wilder-Werner, will all cover the remaining months of this school year. We cgroups will donate this in addition to the food.  The school has now set up a drop-in pantry that is manned by several adult volunteers. This enables the students to come in as needed for food, clothing and hygiene supplies.

b)   Theater Night Fundraiser in April or May

   Hilberry Theater is offering the musical CABARET – however, it is listed for “mature audiences”. We are therefore looking at alternatives that would be more family friendly.  The Fox Theater is going to show the stage version of the Disney movie “Madagascar” in May – so we will find out how much group tickets would be and if they can accommodate 80-100 people for our annual fundraiser.  Detroit Repertory Theater has a new program – will look into this to see if there is anything appropriate for us.  Shimon brought up the issue of parking at the Fox Theater which would be an additional charge in the nearby structure.

   c)Membership Outreach Committee Report

        The committee met on Jan. 12 and came up with some good ideas that we hope to implement to attract more young people to join DION and look for younger leadership as well. Here is a summary of the main points of this report which was sent out to the whole DION membership via email:

1.    Go to colleges, especially Social Work depts, Religious Studies, faith-based and cultural groups on campus and talk with advisors and deans;

2.    Talk with other civic and social justice groups like NAACP or MOSES

3.    Set up series of programs on Race Relations to help heal and educate people because of the tensions in our society today.

4.    Plan a program for the kids at Central High School to develop their garden in their courtyard and teach them about nutrition, cooking and gardening.

5.    Work with Barbara Kellom on Griot And Grub where people tell their stories about faith, race, interfaith, etc and share a meal.

6.    Expose inner city kids to sports activities that they normally wouldn’t have access to – like ice skating, sledding, skiing, golf. Or showcase their talents at rollerskating, etc.


d)Summer Interfaith Picnic

Start meeting in February to decide if we might go to an alternative site instead of Belle Isle – maybe Palmer Park.  Investigate parking, costs. Possibly partner with Detroit Unity Church.


No reports from Partners this time.

Next Meeting – Monday, Feb. 13, 7pm via ZOOM.

Respectfully submitted,

Cass Charrette

 Recording Secretary


April 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes


January, 2021 Meeting Minutes