The Picnic Committee has already met twice and has created a timeline ( see attached). We really could use more participants on this committee - to help with some of the subcommittee tasks . Our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday afternoon, April 21, at 4pm, at the home of Rabbi Dorit.. Will you please mark your calendars and let us know if you can attend - or if you are willing to help our in other ways?
Subcommittees are: Publicity, Food, Grillers, Donations of Items, Entertainment for Adults, Entertainment for Kids, Funding/Financing/Solicitations, Interfaith Worship, Site Set Up and Clean Up, Charity Bingo and Raffle, and Reaching Out to Partners and Sponsors.
Please email us where you might be supportive of our wonderful picnic.
As the weather turns nice, I hope you have thoughts of summer - and our annual Suburban-Urban Interfaith Unity Picnic - on Belle Isle, SUN, AUG.5, NOON- 5PM.